Takes Place at Hermitage GlowFest

Rules & Regulations

- All sign ups due by October 23rd

- All chili's must be brought in a crock pot / Instapot & labeled with your personal contact info

- All entries are due between 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM on October 27th at the church. If Chili is received after this time it will not be judged by the panel but is still available to win the popular vote

- Trophies and other prizes will be given to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners as well as one winner for popular vote and one winner for best non-chili.

- The definition of "chili" to be eligible for the primary prizes are as follows: A stew made primarily with red meat, chilis or chili powder & tomatoes. (beans and other ingredients / spices are optional)

- Dishes that do not meet the above criteria of "Chili" (as set forth in these rules & regulations - such as a white chicken chili) are only subject to win the "Best non-chili" award / prize.

- All chilis will be judged by a panel of five local judges

- Winners will be announced at 7:30PM

- Crockpots must be picked up at the conclusion of GlowFest at 9:00 PM or can be picked before then if your chili has been served to empty.

Chili Cook Off 2024 Sign Up